Adobe: Women Create Wednesday

Celebrating and elevating diverse voices.

“Creativity For All.” It’s a belief at the core of the Adobe brand. They’ve committed to supporting, elevating, and amplifying underrepresented creators so the world can see, learn, and benefit from their diverse perspectives.

As part of this commitment, Adobe launched a dedicated place for these diverse voices. A place for inspiration, education, and the sharing of creativty.

You can’t be what you can’t see.
— Marian Wright Edelman

Women At Sundance

This Adobe partnership further cemented the brand’s commitment to diverse voices. Each year, female-identifying filmmakers are awarded with a fellowship to help nurture, develop, and champion underrepresented voices at pivotal moments in their careers.

Filmmakers are nominated and receive year-round mentorship from the Sundance Institute and Adobe executives. They’re able to participate in the Sundance Institute labs program, recieve a cash grant to advance a current project, and have their works featured at the Sundance Film Festival.


Hot Girl Walk


Shelter Pet Project